The Progressive Change Campaign Committee recently launched The Big Ideas project.

At this site, people like you and me can submit ideas we have for a better country. It’s a great idea.
Some ideas from the current front page include:
- Debt-free college
- A law to regulate out-of-district money in elections
- Full employment
- A basic income guarantee
- Reversing Citizens’ United
- Expanding social security
- Etc.
The trouble I have is that I want all of these things. I don’t just want to focus on one or two.
I want major change. So I asked myself the question: What’s holding us back from major change?
I believe the biggest thing that’s holding us back from doing these things is a corporate special interest group idea. It’s the idea that government should serve the interests of corporations and this will, in turn, be good for everyone.
I know, crazy right? But a lot of people have bought into this notion because it has been sold to us as “freedom” in the form of smaller government.
The corporate special interest marketing and educational campaign has been so successful, in fact, that it dominates public discussion and opinion to the point where I don’t think we’re going to get anything on the PCCC’s wonderful big ideas list until we can convince more people that there’s a better way.
That is, the proposals on the big idea list make sense to us because we believe in a different definition of our country. We believe our country is a democracy that should start with people and we believe freedom is about opportunity and shared prosperity.
All the policies at the big ideas site make sense to us because of these beliefs. The problem is they don’t and won’t make sense to many, many people unless we first revive ideas about democracy.
This is why my big idea is about how to revive democracy and make possible more of the policy ideas on the big ideas list.