MOTWA: The YouTube Debates?

November 30, 2007 at 2:04 am

The following is a list of topics covered in the Republican YouTube debates last night:

  • Illegal immigration, 4 questions
  • Conspiracy, 1 question
  • National debt, 2 questions
  • Less Federal government, 1 question
  • Taxes, 2 questions
  • Farm Subsidies, 1 question
  • Lead-laced Toys, 1 question
  • Gun Control, 3 questions
  • Crime, 1 question
  • Abortion, 2 questions
  • Bible, 2 questions
  • Repairing the Image of America, 1 question
  • Torture, 1 question
  • Permanent Commitment to Iraq, 1 question
  • Is Giuliani Exploiting 9/11?, 1 question
  • Vice Presidential Power, 1 question
  • Gay Rights, 1 question
  • Space Exploration, 1 question
  • African Americans Not Voting Republican, 1 question
  • Infrastructure, 1 question
  • Confederate Flag, 1 question
  • Boston Red Sox vs. New York Yankees, 1 question

This week’s Message of the Week Award goes to anyone willing to ask the question: What country are Republicans living in?

Very few of the questions seem to relate to the top priorities of Americans. Is it just that Republicans are not asking about these issues? I find that hard to believe. More likely CNN cherry-picked the questions. Why didn’t CNN pick any questions on the most important topics? Here’s a few possible samples:

  • What would you do about the war in Iraq?
  • How do you propose we help average families receive affordable health care?
  • How do you propose we keep the economy from slipping into a recession due to failed sub-prime loans?
  • What is your education platform?
  • If your party is for smaller government, how come the government has gotten bigger while Republicans have controlled all branches?
  • How can we rely less on foreign oil? Or even, what are your thoughts on the rising price of gas?
  • And, what about Iraq?

I can’t believe not one tough question about Iraq was asked. And it’s almost as hard to believe that none were asked on education, health care, or the economy. I guess the “liberal” media is now the “corporate” media. Pretty soon any one who wants to talk with a Republican is going to have to sign an oath that they will vote Republican.