Because I’m tired of explaining a conservative health care law to conservatives

December 6, 2013 at 11:30 am

If you haven’t noticed yet, the conservative wedge issue for 2014 is going to be health care.

Democratic Senators like Mary Landrieu have noticed.


They simply don’t appear to have much of a strategy to date: 1) apologize for the horrible website, 2) focus on the economy, and 3) keep explaining to conservatives why a conservative solution is not such a bad thing.

If we can’t do better, well before November, expect to lose the Senate.

Purple is the New Red: Campaign Signs from SW Ohio

November 4, 2013 at 3:15 pm

I noticed something about the campaign yard signs as I was walking our dog the other night in our quiet neighborhood of Cheviot, Ohio.

None of them were red. This may not seem odd until you realize that Cheviot is in the heart of a district which Republican Steve Chabot won by 70,000 votes in 2012.

There was no way all the candidates here could be Democrats. Could they? What was going on?

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My curiosity led me to the following informal survey of campaign signs in Southern Ohio.

Don’t forget to win the moral high ground and kill this lie that ‘Democrats won’t negotiate’

October 17, 2013 at 9:11 pm

In the aftermath of the shutdown publicity stunt, I’d like to take a moment for a friendly public service announcement.

This morning, I’ve seen several examples online where we’re inadvertently reinforcing the conservative idea that Democrats “won’t negotiate”.

Two of the most prominent are a) The New York Times “The Republican Surrender”, and b) the Rachel Maddow chart shown.

I’m posting this PSA because I want to win people over, not “beat” them or force them to surrender. This feeds right in to the idiocy about Democrats not being willing to negotiate.

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Remember, the negotiation is still going to happen. Just like it was in April.

If you want to perform a public service and help get rid of this lie, it’s easy.

Occupy Thanksgiving: How to Talk a Little Turkey with Your Relatives

November 22, 2011 at 12:10 pm

A great post by spocko over at FDL got me thinking about Thanksgiving … … and the inevitable comments from my conservative Uncle. What’s he going to bring up this year? I’ll lay odds that somewhere between the turkey and dressing and the pumpkin pie my Uncle is going to […]

How to Fight Against Ohio Issue 2 (SB5)

September 17, 2011 at 5:22 pm

The campaign to pass Issue 2 is in full swing in Ohio so I thought I’d review the pro-Issue 2 marketing, what they’re trying to accomplish, and how best to fight against it. Remember, Issue 2 is the issue which limits collective bargaining for state employees such as police, firefighters, […]

A Better Way to Frame “Maximalist”

July 1, 2011 at 11:58 am

In the recent debate over increasing the debt ceiling, the White House has coined a new term to describe the GOP’s position: maximalist. What the White House means is that the GOP wants 100% of what they want and doesn’t want to give anything in return. For example, the GOP […]

Bill Maher on the NFL and Socialism

January 30, 2011 at 11:09 pm

One of the best bits from Bill I’ve seen in a while.

Gore Vidal Gets PLAYED by Michele Bachmann

January 8, 2011 at 3:33 pm

Recently, Michele Bachmann unveiled her creation story, the story of how she became a Republican. To summarize, Bachmann became a Republican after reading Gore Vidal’s “Burr”. In Michelle’s words: Until I was reading this snotty novel called ‘Burr,’ by Gore Vidal, and read how he mocked our Founding Fathers. And […]

The False Divide: A 12-Step Program for Liberals

December 24, 2010 at 2:38 pm

I read the following in our local newspaper this morning in the comments section of an article about John Boehner and the GOP’s new rules for the upcoming Congress: LibertyTMan: I wonder if Obama will like these new rules? Reading the Constitution in public certainly sounds better than reading the […]

How to Speak Conservative: Define Both Sides of the Conversation

November 26, 2010 at 4:59 pm

Lesson 1:Define both sides of the conversation As a conservative, you want people to agree with you. But we understand, many of your positions are positions that are difficult to support or argue. Trickle down theory, for example. So how do you handle this? One thing I’d recommend is to […]