Doctor Who: “Scotland really showed us the way … 85% of the people voted.”

September 22, 2014 at 8:43 am

Over the weekend, I had the pleasure of meeting Paul McGann, the 8th Doctor Who, at a local comic expo.

As we were chatting, my friend Rick asked him about the Scottish independence vote. The 8th Doctor mentioned two things that really stuck with me.

Chris Rock parody destroys the NFL Ray Rice narrative in single tweet

September 16, 2014 at 11:12 pm

When I first saw this tweet, my first thought was: “Yes! Finally someone nails it. And of course, it’s Chris Rock.”

#Rally4Equality: If we care about equality, we should care about democracy

September 4, 2014 at 12:54 pm

Some friends of mine are helping to put together the #Rally4Equality next week in Washington, D.C.


They asked me if I’d ever written anything about equality. I’ve written about economic equality, I said.

To be quite honest, the idea scared the crap out of me.

Why? I typically write about economics and framing. What could I say about women’s rights that hasn’t been said by several generations of women activists and suffragist leaders?

Of course I was also intrigued. What could I say?

So I told them I’d think about it.

One question that kept coming up: How would I explain women’s rights and equality to my conservative friends? Could I even talk about this issue with conservatives? Could I convince conservatives that equality was an issue worth fighting for?

Below are my early attempts and what I learned.